APMC Honors FEU To Host its ’06 Confab

2006 Convention

The Association of Philippine Medical Colleges (APMC) has chosen the Far Eastern University-Dr. Nicanor Reyes Medical Center as the host of its convention on January 26-28, 2006, according to Remedios T. Habacon, M.D., dean of the FEU Institute of Medicine.

The organizing committee is working on the theme, which could be “Humanizing Medicine in Philippine Medical Education.” Dean Habacon stated that the school is focusing on the moral issues involved in the practice of medicine and strengthening the role the academe plays in shaping the professional and ethical values of the medical students, the future physicians of the country.

The tentative topics are as follows: (1) Hippocratic Oath Revisited; (2) Perspectives in Health Care Delivery: The Role of the Bioethics Committee in Undergraduate Medical Curriculum; (3) Practices of Medical Schools that Address Current and Relevant Bioethical Issues Confronting Health Care Professionals; (4) Attitudes and Practices of Medical Students Towards Academic Excellence; (5) Developing the Emotional and Ethical Quotient (E2Q) of Medical Students: What can Medical Schools do about It? (6) Aligning the Medical Curriculum to the Philippine Medical Association’s Code of Ethics: Educating future Doctors in Values and Virtues; and (7) Developing Role Models of Humane and Compassionate Physicians Among Faculty and Consultants in Medical Colleges.

About 400 participants coming from Medical Schools all over the country. The organizing group is presently preparing for the venue, food, and other functions, and also providing assistance in hotel accommodation for all participants.

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