
Registration Procedure of New Medical Students

Students entering the first year medical course after fulfilling all admission requirements may proceed as follows:

  1. Upon announcement of the admitted applicants by the Dean or Assistant Dean, the Registrar starts accepting copies of the following documents for filing.
    1. The Application for Admission form, duly approved by the Dean, Assistant Dean, and its supporting documents, including the results of academic evaluation, physical examination, Letter of Acceptance or communication, Marriage Certificate, copies of plaque of merit, certificates of honor or commendations, community tax certificate, and other pertinent documents;
      (Note: For naturalized citizens copies of Certificate of Naturalization (CN) and Identification Certificate (IC) shall be accepted and filed after verification from the original.)
    1. Authenticated Birth Certificate with documentary stamps, preferably issued by the National Statistic Office (NSO), but not by a notary public,
    2. Copies of college diploma or certificate of graduation authenticated or issued by the Registrar,
    3. Original copy of National Medical Admission Test (NMAT),
    4. The certifications of good moral character signed by both school/department head and by the professor at the Institution where he/she obtained his/her degree,
    5. If alien, Study Permit or Alien Certificate of Registration (ACR);
    6. Two (2) passport size pictures signed by the applicant above printed name at the obverse thereof,
    7. Legal size envelope to contain the above mentioned records;
  1. After compliance with the above requirements’, the student is required to submit his Transfer Credential Certificate issued by the school he graduated or last attended. The student will be given clearance to enroll or for the issuance of Registration Card or Certificate of Matriculation (COM) and blank receipts. The Registrar’s Office inspects and confimis validity of the documents received. The results of its findings shall be communicated to the students. (Deficiencies should be satisfied on the scheduled date of registration, but not after tile second week from the opening of classes).
  2. The previous school is expected to fornvard the Official Transcript of Record directly to the FEU-NRMF within (30) davs from the receipt of the request, preferably by the registered mail. The transmital of the Transcript is an exclusive affair between the schools. The student is not allowed to hand carry the Transcript, unless there is written approval from this office. The Registrar acknowledges receipt of the Transcript by letter or Post Office Return card.
  3. The Clerk-in-Charge issues Certificate of Matriculation (COM) without Student’s Copy and blank receipt forms, which is restricted for distribution. (It will be noted that the Certificate of Matriculation form are prepared in advance, including the subjects to be enrolled in and the corresponding assessment of tuition and other fees).
  4. Tuition fees and other charges shall be paid in full to a designated bank (The Philtrust Bank, Morayta Branch) on or before the scheduled date of registration of the Certificate of Matriculation form. Student Council Fee shall be collected by the representative of the student government.
  5. After payment, present COM and the receipts of payment to the Medical Library and the ID Section for application, validation, and scheduling of photo session. (All ID’s are expected to be finished and validated on or before the opening of classes).
  6. On the scheduled date of registration, submit the duly filled up Certificate of Matriculation (COM) form, without the Student’s Copy, and the official receipts of payment to the Office of the Dean to formalize enrollment;
    1. The Clerk-in-Charge checks completion of entries of the COM, assigns student code number (STUDENO) and registration number (SN) to the COM cards (Registrar, Dean, Accountliig/Auditing and Student’s copies) corresponding to the serial number in the Registry Book preferably by using the numbering machine.
    1. The COM Student’s copy is released to the student after acknowledging receipt at the Registry Book. The student shall be provided with a Student Hand Book, schedule of classes and other handouts.
    2. After the opening of classes, late registration shall be charged with the corresponding fee. However, no student shall be accepted after the first week.
    1. Other requirements and original documents must be satisfied at this point.
  1. Before the opening of classes, list of students (by section) shall be posted at the bulletin board, copy furnished the Dean, the Business Office, Medical Library, the Registrar, and all academic departments and faculty members. (Note: Transfer from one section to another is not allowed.)
  2. Honor graduates should apply in writing at the Office of Registrar for entrance scholarship. Certification issued by the Registrar must be received by this Office before the first preliminary exanu’nation period for immediate implementation.
  3. The students are encouraged to make a habit of checking the bulletin board for further instructions and information.

Regular and Maximum Loads

The regular and maximum load for any particular course per semester is indicated in the corresponding course curriculum.

Leave of Absence

The Dean, for valid reason may grant a leave of absence to a student in good standing upon filing a formal letter.

Students with a valid reason may be allowed to go on leave for one semester or one academic year. A validating examination shall be required to a student for readmission upon his return after more than a year of authorized leave. Students with unauthorized leave of absence will be automatically dropped from the school roll.

Change/Cancellation of Registration

Each student is held responsible for every subject he enrolls in as listed on his registration card.

No subject may be changed or withdrawn, except upon favorable action made by the Dean or his representative on a formal request presented by the student to the faculty adviser.

Students desiring to change or withdraw a subject or subjects must do so not later than tnvo weeks after opening of classes by filling out a Change of Registration form, which must be approved by the Dean’s Office and presented to the Treasurer’s Office for adjustment of fees on the professor’s certification of the student’s last day of attendance or non-attendance.

The same procedure shall be followed by students leaving the school before the end of the term. However, Cancellation of Registration with certificate of last date of attendance by the faculty adviser must be filed. Any student who withdraws from the course after the second preliniinarv examination without any valid and justifiable reason shall be given a grade of 5 (failure), if in the judgment of the faculty adviser concerned, his academic work has not been satisfactory. Verbal notification of withdrawal to a faculty member is not sufficient. Formal notice must be forwarded to the Dean’s Office for appropriate action.


A transfer Credential certificate will be signed by the Registrar and issued within two weeks after the filing of the application for transfer to any student in good standing, not Subject to discipline, and his records form his previous school have been received complete and in order. Withdrawal after the second preliminary will be given technical failure if there is no valid reason.

Once the Transfer Credential certificate has been acknowledged receipt by the accepting school, the Foundation terminates its authority to further issuance of his/her records without written consent of the new school.

Transfer Credential is a formal order and an authorization made by the student to forward his record to another school where he plans to transfer. It is a separate form and delivered ahead from the OTR. In compliance with the request, the former school has to act accordingly, the OTP is forwarded to the accepting school, but never to the student, like Form 137.

The Honorable Dismissal is a clearance, signifying that the student has no more obligation or responsibility with the school. The OTR issued to him is for his personal consumption only, and therefore it is not valid for transfer and usually stamped with “Not Valid for Transfer”, “Good for DECS only” and the like notation.

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