
Graduation Requirements

Candidates for graduation must satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Residence – The Candidate must finish his clerkship work for 12 months in the FEU-NRMF hospital and in other teaching hospitals with training facilities comparable to that of the FEU-NRMF Hospital.
  2. Academic Work
    1. Completion of the number of units for the course as prescribed by the Foundation under authority of the CHED. To determine the candidate’s eligibility, he must file his application for graduation (including application for diploma and for transcript of records) with the Office of the Registrar at the start of his last term in school. All his academic records must be in order before the second half of the semester.
    2. Passing of the clinical and basic revalida examination to be administered by a Revalida Conunittee.
  1. Clearance – Graduates shall be allowed to attend Graduation Rites Ceremony upon presentation to the Office of the Registrar of appropriate clearance from property, money and all other accountabilities with the Foundation.
  2. In addition to general Foundation requirements for graduation, the Institute of Medicine requires candidates for the degree of Doctor of Medicine to fulfill the following:
    1. Be at least 21 years of age.
    2. Shows he is morally qualified to receive the degree together with its obligation as well as its privileges.
    3. Satisfactorily complete all the requirements for admission.
    4. Satisfactorily complete and pass the four-year course as prescribed in the curriculum of the medical school.
    5. Satisfactorily complete the 12-month clerkship program.
    6. Pass the qualifying examination given by the different departments at the completion of his training period.
    7. Pass the revalida examination.
    8. Formally present his application to the Academic Council of the Institute of Medicine which must approve it.
    9. Attend the commencement exercises and receive his diploma in person, unless excused by the Dean.

Graduation with Honors

  1. A student in the regular college courses of the Foundation shall be graduated:

    Cum laude (with honors) if he obtains a general average of 1.75 in all academic subjects without a grade lower than 2.75 in any academic subject, provided, all units required for graduation have been earned in the Foundation.

    Magna Cum Laude (with high honors) if he obtains a general average of 1.50 in all academic subjects without a grade lower than 2.50 in any academic subject, provided, all units required for graduation have been earned in the Foundation.

    Summa Cum Laude (with highest honors) if he obtains a general average of 1.25 or better in all academic subjects and without a grade lower than 2.25 in any academic subject provided, all units required for graduation have been earned in the Foundation.

  2. The following specifications are subject to the following conditions:

    1. General average shall mean general weighted average and not simple average.
    2. The term “academic” does not include ROTC.
    3. All units earned in other colleges and universities under different rating system and offered graduation shall be evaluated on the basis of the following Table of Conversion;

  3. For all candidates for graduation with a Bachelor’s degree, all units earned, whether offered for graduation or not, or whether earned in the Foundation or anywhere else, shall be considered submitted for the purpose of computing the candidate’s general average or ratings.
  4. In all cases, the moral character, conduct, integrity and reputation of the candidate must be beyond reproach.

Commencement Exercises

Commencement exercises for all graduating students are held at the same time. No student will be recommended for any degree, unless he has fulfilled all the requirements called for in his curriculum, including Physical Education and ROTC, and until all his obligation to the Medical Foundation have been cleared.

Candidates for graduation shall wear during the academic procession, baccalaureate service, graduation exercises, and similar functions, the academic costume prescribed by the Foundation. They shall wear on their respective caps the silk tassel of the color of the departments of leaming to which their degree pertain, as follows:

Medicine (Doctor of Medicine): Green and Gold

Medical Technology (Bachelor’s Degree): Green and Orange

Physical Therapy (Bachelor’s Degree): Green and White

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