Fees, Other Charges

Schedule of Tuition Fees

First Semester, School Year 1996-1997



Fees, Deposits and Other Charges

The following charges apply to all departments in this Medical Foundation:




Note: All new students are required to pay the whole assessment, however split-cash is allowed, which is payable within 15 calendar days. For graduating students, miscellaneous fees are payable upon registration of the Certificate of Matriculation (COM).

Charges, Refund of Fees

New students are required to pay in full upon entrance. For old students, the Foundation accepts initial payment of 50% and the balance sliall be paid into two (2) equal installments on or before the first and midterm examinations, respectively.Should a student cancel his registration after paying one or more installments, his withdrawal from the Foundation does not relieve him of the responsibility of settling the unpaid balance of his fees for the entire term, except when he withdraws for valid and justifiable reasons.Refund of fees follows the regulations set by the Department of Education, Culture and Sports as provided for in Section 66 of the Manual of Regulations for Private Schools, 8th Edition, s. 1992, to wit:

“Tuition Charges. A student who transfer or otherwise withdraws, in writing, within two weeks after the beginning of classes and who has already paid the pertinent nation and other school fees in full or for any length of time longer than one month may be charged ten percent (10%) of the total amount due for the term if he withdraws within the first week of classes, or twenty percent (20%) if within the second week of classes, regardless of whether or not be has actually attended classes. The student may be charged all the school fees in full if he withdraws anytime after the second week of classes. However, if the transfer or withdrawal is due to a justifiable reason, the student shall be charged the pertinent fees only up to and including the last month of attendance.” On the basis of the foregoing rules, the foundation adopts the following policies:
  1. If a student has not attended classes, miscellaneous fees will be deducted before any refund is made.
  2. If a student has attended classes even for one day only, he may be charged the corresponding tuition fees for the semester, unless the cancellation is due to valid and justifiable reasons in which case he will be charged tuition fees for the period up to and including the last month of his attendance.
*For all year levels with 21 units or above, per semester, effective Ist Semester, SY 1993-94 to 2nd Semester, SY 1997-1998.
  1. The rate of tuition charged a particular student in his class year upon registration shall be the same amount until his graduation, provided:
    1. That no new rates shall be prescribed before the student graduates;
    2. That in the event of delay due to leave of absence or failure, the student shall be charged with the rate of the succeeding class year;
    3. That upon report back after a leave of absence of a student whose name is included in the quota, he shall be charged with the current rate whether enrolled in full or partial load.
    4. That in case of advanced or back subject, thereby creating multiple year level, the higher rate of tuition fee shall be applied to all units.
  2. Considered valid and Justifiable reasons are those due to illness, employment, similar causes, or upon recommendation of the Dean.
  3. Full refund or credit will be given only under any of the following cases:
    1. dissolution of classes;
    2. duplication of subjects;
    3. conflict of time or subjects; or
Refund is defined as the amount of money the Foundation will return to the student due to excess payment. While credit is the latest figure of assessment, in which the student is released of financial obligation. It happens usually after reduction of load within registration period.

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